Although college education can be quite expensive when taken at face value, there are plenty of financing options for students who may not normally afford the fees associated with higher education. From student loans to scholarships, these funding sources can greatly increase your chances of finishing your desired academic course By providing counseling with expertise and experience, we help students to consider various financing options and scholarships. These scholarships are often given on the basis of academic and personal achievement.

Financial estimate

We help you do the financial estimate of the total cost required to complete the education based on the cost of living prior to student experiences, etc.

Education loan

We provide complete guidance and assist in arranging the educational loan from nationalized and approved banks at reasonable rates. We also help you with the entire procedure, starting from application to required documentation, policies, and procedure, interest rates, eligibility criteria, and selection of banks. The government of India in consultation with the reserve bank of India (RBI) and the Indian banker’s Association (IBA) has framed a comprehensive educational loan scheme. The scheme envisages a loan of up to INR 7.5 lacs for studies in India and INR 15 lacs for studies abroad

Forex assistance

VisaDoctor also takes care of your foreign exchange needs. Our ties with various banks and private forex merchants help the students to get forex at the most reasonable rates. Students can benefit from our contacts to get demand drafts, traveler’s cheques, international debit cards, currency notes, and wire transfers.